Park Factors

<< 3/28 March 29, 2025 3/30 >>

Last Updated: 6:07 PM

Warmer weather is expected across Saturday's slate along with some meaningful out-blowing wind at a handful of parks. The best run environment on the slate is Kauffman Stadium, where hitters will benefit from 15-20mph wind blowing out to left field. The large outfield in KC is primed for a boost of hits IN the yard and rated close to neutral for home runs. The best venues for dingers on Saturday are Yankee Stadium and Great American Ball Park. It will be 80 degrees in The Bronx with double-digit wind blowing out to center. GABP doesn't require excellent conditions as the small dimensions are good enough to rate favorably vs the league average.

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Game HR 2B/3B 1B Runs Receptive Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Humidity Pressure Outfield
Altitude Typical
-3%+10%+21%+18%High 16  17  15 81°79°79°55%1003X-Large750+5GreatAvgThe largest non-Coors outfield in MLB. Perfectly symmetrical with a 9-foot-tall fence rounding the perimeter.
+25%-10%+2%+11%Low 12  11  12 72°72°70°45%1015Small683+0PoorAvgThe smallest outfield in MLB, offset partially by a taller left-field wall. Stadium architecture dampens the effect from wind but hot days can turn GABP into a home run paradise.
+9%+5%+3%+6%Med-High 11  9  9 77°77°75°42%1017Medium25 -2GoodGreatA horizontal-shaped outfield with a taller-than-average fences. Shallow to center field and deep to the corners. A 16-foot wall covers most of the right-field gap, compensating for how close it is at parts.
+27%-7%-6%+6%High 16  16  14 79°81°81°51%1013Variable54 -6AvgGreatA rounded asymmetrical outfield with a very shallow right field wall. The short porch is balanced out by a larger-than-average left field, though still very short to the foul pole on that side.
-7%+12%+4%+5%Medium 14  12  11 79°77°75°22%1008Large1,082+11GreatGoodThe highest MLB altitude outside of Coors. Large outfield to accommodate longer carry distance on fly balls. Massive 25-foot center field fence.
+4%-10%-3%-3%Roof ClosedRoof ClosedMedium616+8AvgBadA retractable roof venue with a zig-zag outfield. The left side is particularly deep while the right is better primed for homers.
+12%-29%+2%-5%Med-High 14  12  9 61°61°59°90%1010Small596 -3PoorAvgThe smallest outfield in MLB. Shallow in every direction. Not nearly as wind-prone as its Wrigley neighbor, but can be susceptible to homers - especially on hot days.
-12%+4%-2%-5%Roof ClosedRoof ClosedLarge15+0GoodBadA retractable-roof field that is normally enclosed. The tall fences and large outfield promote doubles while suppressing home runs.
-1%+4%-6%-5%Roof ClosedRoof ClosedMedium247+0GoodAvgA neutral-sized retractable roof venue where every opportunity is taken to play outdoors. A closed roof is well-received by hitters on cold Toronto days but can favor pitchers when its hot out.
-4%-3%-3%-5%??? 11  10  14 82°82°82°42%1019Variable48??????The temporary home of the Rays. Features the exact same dimensions as Yankee Stadium. Very short to right and deeper-than-average to most of left field. Should usually be hitter-friendly, especially during the summer. At risk for lots of rainouts.
0%-7%-5%-7%Roof ClosedRoof ClosedVariable38 0BadPoorA retractable-roof venue with strict rules for allowing an open roof. A one-of-a-kind shape with a particularly shallow left-field fence. Plays deep to center and short to right.
-15%-10%+8%-7%Med-High 12  14  14 64°64°64°84%1010Large455+3GoodAvgA large, symmetrical outfield with deep corners and gaps. The center field fence is a few feet closer than the MLB standard.
0%-16%-2%-10%Consistent 10  9  7 61°59°57°68%1014Medium267+3GoodGreatA symmetrical outfield with a highly consistent wind pattern (out to right-center). Plays deep down the lines and particularly shallow to center field.
-3%-17%-6%-11%Low 11  9  9 61°59°59°73%1015Medium13 -2AvgAvgA medium-sized outfield with consistent weather conditions. Plays shallow to center and deeper to both sides. The San Diego marine layer can reduce carry distance, especially at night.
-8%-21%-8%-16%Medium 2  1  1 52°50°50°74%1017Small10 -6PoorAvgOne of the smallest outfields in MLB, justified by cooler weather and short carry distances. Strikeouts are boosted by low altitude and a tricky batters eye.